블로그를 하는 사람이 많이 늘었습니다.
여전히 페이스북과 트위터를 하는 사람도 있지만 컨텐츠의 생산에는 블로그만한 것이 없긴 하죠.
아래 사이트에 들어가면 30초정도 기다리면 자체 알고리즘에 의해 데이터를 내어줍니다. discover your bloglevel이라는 항목에 넣으면 됩니다.
연결성과 방문자, 신뢰등을 종합적으로 판단해서 데이터를 보여줍니다.
각각 점수를 기준으로 5점 이하면 저품질
7.5점 이상이면 일반/보통
25점 이상은 파워블로그
50점 이상은 유명인사라고 합니다.
제점수는 아래와 같네요.
influence (영향력) : 34.8
Popularity (인기도) : 38.5
Engagement (이웃관계) : 21.3
Trust (신뢰도) : 34.8
그리고 아래에 데이터들을 설명하고 있습니다.
Your influence score - Your score is not bad but could be better. The key to improving your value is to make your posts more interesting – personality goes a long way in making people come back to read your posts. Make sure you update your blog more frequently and reply and create links to conversations – this will improve traffic to your site. What’s more, you should invite peoples’ input, opinions and insights and then engage in a conversation with them.
영향력이 나쁘지는 않지만 좀더 하라네요..유명인사로?
Your popularity score - Your score is pretty good and a large number of people see your site as a must-read blog. Many blog measurement tools purely rank people according to the number and authority of recent inbound blog links but BlogLevel also takes into account how your amplification through other social media channels. You can increase your popularity by promoting your site through social media channels – for example using Twitter, you could include a summary, link and encourage people to comment on your own site. Make sure you post frequent updates and ensure they are promoted at the times your readership will want to know about them. Finally SEO plays a significant role in your popularity – if your post is not found then it makes no difference how good the content is – make sure you tag what you publish, have text not number titles in your post address and include multimedia (Flickr, YouTube for example) – this has the added benefit of making your posts more dynamic and interesting.
인기도는 매우 좋지만 더 많은 사람이 제 블로그를 읽게 하도록..조언하고 있습니다.
Your engagement score - Your engagement score could be better. one of the key differentiators of a blog is that (most of the time) it allows people to engage in two way dialogue about a subject. How much does your blog encourage people to comment on what you say and do you respond back? Getting the basics right to improve your engagement score is easy to provided you know your audience - make you know them, write for them, talk to them, read their thoughts and comments and reply individually. Twitter is also an important factor as people often discuss the views of a blog within this media – take advantage of multiple channels and promote and engage in conversations about your posts within this space too.
조금더 이웃과 소통하라는..
Your trust score - Your trust score is good but could be better. The Edelman Trust Barometer states that 77% of people refused to buy products or services from a company they distrusted. It is trust that makes someone act – for this reason alone, having a high trust score is considered by many to be more important than any other category. one of the simplest measures of trust is if someone voluntarily listens to what you say or pushes other people to read what you have written. The number of subscribers you have and inbound links from Twitter and other sites make up a large weighting in deciding your trust score – therefore to increase your value post regular, informed and interesting content and make it easily accessible for others to get hold of.
다른 점수에 비해 이웃관계 점수가 낮은것을 보니 제가 포스팅하는 것외에 소통을 좀 적게 하는 모양입니다. ㅎ..
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